The past semester I attended a Sling-training-course at USI (University Sports Institute, which offers cheap sport courses in hundreds of disciplines to students). A friend of mine is also a trainer and she introduced me to sling-training. It's a cool training-device to gain core strength and work every single muscle in your body.
That's what a sling-trainer looks like:

The original sling trainer is quite expensive, so I decided to build my own. And here it is:

I used old climbing gear (rope, harness) and a piece of wood to build it. I only had to buy the thinner ropes which cost me 6 euros only! So maybe it doesn't look as fancy as the original one, but it is unique and most important: it works!!
To get the best results you need the maximum of instability of the sling trainer and therefore it's best so set it up in about 3m height. Since my flat is only 2,5 high and I haven't figured out yet how to fix it to the ceiling (without breaking the ceiling) I montaged it to my pull-up-bar which is not that high, but better than nothing.
I also tried it at the gym last saturday. Maybe I'll make a video of me doing a few moves next time I go there...